Q&A: Megan Norbury (West Perth)

WEST Perth winger Megan Norbury posted one of the best yo-yo times at the Preseason Testing Day, with the top-age runner one of a number of West Australian AFLW draft prospects this year. We spoke to Norbury at the event about her football journey, game and future goals.

Q: Megan, tell us about your footy journey?

MN: “I think I started footy around Year 4/5. It was just a little community tournament, it wasn’t too much serious stuff. That was with Wanneroo my junior football club. Played a few years there then went to Rogers level and was lucky enough to play every games in an undefeated season and came away with the flag which was awesome.

“Then we got the League side the year after that, so I played every game in that as well. We had a winless season but I just tried to use it to better myself because obviously when you are having a winless season, you can’t base all your satisfaction out of the win, you have to look at other things to take out of the game. Played there, and played my next season in League and I’m going into my third season now.”

Q: What were the differences between West Perth’s winless season and last season do you think?

MN: “I feel like the winless season maybe we were lacking a bit of team culture, lacking a bit of structure. Coming into the second season, we were all matured players, we got in more mature players, bigger names. Got a new coach and went up from there. It’s looking up this season as well.”

Q: What do you see as some of your strengths in your game?

MN: “Definitely my run and my work rate. I like getting out wide and get told that my positioning is quite a large strength of mine playing on the wing.”

Q: And what improvements are you looking to make in your game?

MN: “To improve I just want to get more clean, obviously everywhere. Get a better kicking efficiency, do better at groundballs and be a bit more consistent in my games. Play good games every week rather than some good and some average.”

Q: Last year you were able to play with Western Australia at the Under 18s Championships, what was that like?

MN: “Yeah obviously I hadn’t been in a state environment before so coming into 18s I met all the older girls, had lots of maturity to look up to, players like Kaitlyn Srhoj who was also on the wing. It was great looking at her and being able to look at what she does, like great driving legs and using it in my own game.”

Q: Who do you look up to AFLW level?

MN:For women definitely Megan Kauffman, she’s our S&C at West Perth and I think her story’s just so inspiring. Never playing footy, coming in from Ammos and getting a spot on the Dockers just through sheer drive and persistence, she worked her way up. In men’s, I am an Eagles girl through and through but I do love Christian Petracca.”

Q: Coming into this year, it’s your draft year and you’ve got the decision of nominating national or state, have given much thought to it?

MN: “I haven’t really given too much thought to it. Obviously there’s a lot standing in the way between me and draft. But I think I’m a naturally introverted person so I think going national would push me out of my comfort zone and help me build on my character a lot more, but staying in WA would also be awesome, so either way.”

Q: Who’s had the most influence on your personal career?

MN: “Not sure influence, but I’d definitely go to my mum for support about footy. She loves me if I have a bad game or a good game, so she’s always one that I look for for support.”

Q: What goals do you set for yourself in 2024?

MN: “Definitely have a good WAFL season, then going into that, have a good state campaign in August, play all those games. Then I guess looking onto the draft, i would hope to get drafted, but that’s obviously a long-term goal so just trying to go step by step.”

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