Showing posts for: Feature Articles
Bat or ball, Rebels’ dual sport athlete keen to impress

DESPITE always having a bat and ball in her hands, an oblong shaped Sherrin was never too far out of reach in Sophie Van De Heuvel‘s household. Growing up, Van De Heuvel was always a talented cricketer, but her family’s love for all things Australian Rules helped inspire her to give the sport a go. […]

Keeping Tabs: Standout draftees from Round 7

THE first year boys are keeping up their standards as the season deepens. These players should give fans a decent insight for what the future of their clubs may look like as they continue to develop. They are all natural AFL players and continue to make the 22 for good reason. Here are some of […]

Doedee reaping the rewards of patience

A LOT was made of Jake Lever‘s hostile exit from the Adelaide Football Club in the off-season. After weeks of commotion and rumours, the fiasco was ended on the first day of trading, with the Demons landing the young tall defender in exchange for two first round picks and a a swap of later selections. […]

South Australian College football prepares for revamp

A TRADITIONAL football system is getting a revamp, with the Adelaide College football turning to a multi-tier system involving promotion and relegation, and we look at how it works, what it means and how the College football and State league can work together for the best possible results. College football has a long and proud […]

Is Brodie now the best of the 2012 bunch?

AS with any draft, there are going to be players that go on to have long and successful AFL careers, and those that unfortunately do not. The 2012 National Draft for instance has now seen two players reach 100 games in Port Adelaide’s Ollie Wines (112 games) and the Western Bulldogs’ Jack Macrae (104 games), […]

Keeping Tabs: Standout draftees from Round 5

ROUND FIVE was huge for the first year players, with plenty stepping up to earn a spot on this weekly list. Most of the names here have been seen before, but we give credit when it is due. We’re hoping to see some fresh faces in the coming rounds and for the players below to […]

The Number One: Part Two

NUMBER One. The First. The Best. The Brightest; but is it all what it’s cracked up to be?   So much is made of the first pick in the National Draft each year, in print, conversation and online they are dissected, combed over in the most minute way, but are we placing too much pressure […]

AFL 9s kicking goals in the Sunshine State

THE Australian Football League (AFL) has taken many strides over the past few years to incorporate new or modified versions of the game to attract new people or to offer alternatives to current players. The two new versions that have had the most success are nine-a-side AFL and this year’s rollout of the AFLX. Whilst […]

Keeping Tabs: Standout draftees from Round 4

ROUND four provided many young prospects with the opportunity to build on their starts. Many have been backed in by their respective clubs and look likely to feature in most games throughout the year. This week we looked at the best performing players draftees and which of your players you should keep an eye on in […]

Keeping Tabs: Standout draftees from Round 3

With now a game or two under their belts, the first-year players are starting to find their groove. Some have certainly been more consistent over the weeks than others, but this week a few new names stood up to earn their spot. This week we looked at the best performing players from last years’ draft […]

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