Draft Central’s Top 50 AFLW Players 2020: #40-#36
WITH the AFL Women’s 2020 season officially come to a close now the awards are done and dusted, Draft Central looks back on our Top 50 Players of season 2020. This countdown purely looks at the 2020 season so does not look at past performances and will not include injured stars such Erin Phillips or […]

Q&A: Anjelani Kibombo (USQ Cougars/Queensland)
AS the postponement of all seasons commenced over the last week, we head back to the preseason a month earlier where we chatted to a number of athletes across the country. In a special Question and Answer (Q&A) feature, Draft Central‘s Taylah Melki chatted with Queensland’s Anjelani Kibombo at the state testing day hosted by […]

Draft Central’s Top 50 AFLW Players 2020: #45-#41
WITH the AFL Women’s 2020 season officially come to a close now the awards are done and dusted, Draft Central looks back on our Top 50 Players of season 2020. This countdown purely looks at the 2020 season so does not look at past performances and will not include injured stars such Erin Phillips or […]

Draft Central’s Top 50 AFLW Players 2020: #50-#46
WITH the AFL Women’s 2020 season officially come to a close now the awards are done and dusted, Draft Central looks back on our Top 50 Players of season 2020. This countdown purely looks at the 2020 season so does not look at past performances and will not include injured stars such Erin Phillips or […]

2020 SANFL Women’s team summary: North Adelaide
WITH no football on given the current COVID-19 global pandemic, the Draft Central team takes a look at where the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) Women’s left off, and will examine each of the eight teams from reverse ladder order. Today’s team summary is North Adelaide. RECORD: 1st (4-0) RESULTS: R1: defeated Glenelg by […]

2020 Top 10 AFLW matches: #1 – Mithen saves Demons from finals hell
IN a new countdown, Draft Central recalls the Top 10 AFL Women’s games for season 2020, ending with our top pick which saw Melbourne claim a dramatic come-from-behind finals win over GWS via the boot of an unlikely hero. On the road and in their first ever post-season match, the Demons had to raise hell […]

2020 SANFL Women’s team summary: South Adelaide
WITH no football on given the current COVID-19 global pandemic, the Draft Central team takes a look at where the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) Women’s left off, and will examine each of the eight teams from reverse ladder order. Today’s team summary is South Adelaide. RECORD: 2nd (3-1) RESULTS: R1: defeated WWT Eagles […]

2020 Top 10 AFLW matches: #2 – North Melbourne take the win in epic battle against Magpies
IN a new countdown, Draft Central recalls the Top 10 AFL Women’s games for season 2020, moving onto our #2 which saw North Melbourne wage a massive comeback against Collingwood for a 5.4 (34) to 5.2 (32) semi-final win at Ikon Park. It was both sides’ inaugural AFL Women’s final, making the outcome that much […]

2020 SANFL Women’s team summaries: West Adelaide
WITH no football on given the current COVID-19 global pandemic, the Draft Central team takes a look at where the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) Women’s left off, and will examine each of the eight teams from reverse ladder order. Today’s team summary is West Adelaide. RECORD: 3rd (2-1-1) RESULTS: R1: defeated Sturt by […]

Q&A: Tahlia Mead (Maroochydore/Queensland)
AS the postponement of all seasons commenced over the last week, we head back to the preseason a month earlier where we chatted to a number of athletes across the country. In a special Question and Answer (Q&A) feature, Draft Central‘s Taylah Melki chatted with Queensland’s Tahlia Mead at the state testing day hosted by Rookie […]