2022 Cadbury Round Robin Series Catch Up – Day 2

DAY 2 of the Cadbury Series saw the Mixed Invitational Team get on the board, while the Silver Ferns had a much tougher time of things against the New Zealand Men’s side.
Mixed Invitational get on the board with win over New Zealand A
The Mixed Invitational side is on the board in the 2022 Cadbury Series, after the team defeated the New Zealand A side 59 to 47.
It was all set up by a four-goal lead at quarter time, and although scoring from both sides dipped in the second term, the Mixed Invitational side still won every quarter to ultimately take out the win.
Although Grace Namana and Georgia Heffernan both shot at 100 per cent for the game, it was via Quintin Gerber that the majority of the Mixed Invitational side’s goals came from.
The shooters were well fed by Maddy Gordon (27 feeds and 17 goal assists) as well as a pair of Aussies in Kelsey Browne (19 feeds and 11 assists) and Laura Scherian (18 feeds and 15 goal assists).
Meanwhile for New Zealand A, Elisapeta Toeava had another great game (32 feeds and 13 goal assists), as did Ameliaranne Ekenasio (19 goals from 22 assists at 86.4 per cent).
Silver Ferns come crashing back to Earth against NZ Men
After recording such a dominant win first up, things came crashing back to Earth in a big way for the Silver Ferns last night, losing to the New Zealand Men’s side 61 to 46.
Both sides were dead even at quarter time, but a 17 to 11 second term and 18 to 10 third term from the Men’s side really set up the win.
For the men’s Side, Nick Grimmer (27 feeds and 12 goal assists) was the main feeder into the likes of Jay Geldard, who only missed two shots all night for a shooting percentage of 94.6.
Cameron Powell also had a great game, with 17 feeds and 11 goal assists, as did Kruze Tangira, who finished with five intercepts.
As for the Silver Ferns, Gina Crampton (39 feeds and 22 goal assists) was a workhorse again through midcourt, but the shooters’ percentages were down again, with no one shooting over 80%.