PREVIEW | 2025 NSL: London Mavericks

THE 2025 Netball Super League season is a mere fortnight away, and in the lead up to the competition Rookie Me Central will be previewing each of the teams and taking a look at how they might go in this new era of English netball. 

Next up, it is time to take a look at the London Mavericks. 

London Mavericks 2025 Netball Super League Squad

Emily Andrew
Amelia Hall
Suzie Liverseidge
Isabella Phillips
Chelsea Blackman
Vicki Oyesola
Razia Quashie
Ellie Rattu
Kira Rothwell
Emma Thacker

It is a little bit of a dawn of a new era for the Mavericks. Breaking away from Saracens the rugby club, the Mavericks are out on their own and looking to make an impact in this new era of British netball. 

In an interesting coincidence, exactly half of their 2025 squad are returning faces from their 2024 squad, and half the squad are new faces to the club. 

The shooting end will be an interesting area to watch for the Mavericks. With no Ine-Mari Venter in the line up this year, who will partner Kira Rothwell in the shooting circle? Emma Thacker is the international level star, but Emily Andrew a type of player more similar to Venter than Thacker is. 

Moving into the midcourt, and this is the area of most change for the Mavericks. Only Ellie Rattu is a returning face, with Amelia Hall, Suzie Liverseidge and Isabella Phillips all new to the club in 2025. It will be interesting to see what the starting on court combination will be with so many new players in the cohort. 

Speaking of Liverseidge and Hall though, they can play as a shooter but it would not be surprising if they only play midcourt this year because the shooting end is so set and so hard to break into.

Moving through to the defence, and that is a similar situation to the shooting end in the sense that the starting combination from last season is remaining into 2025 and there is one new face in the cohort. 

Vicki Oyesola and Razia Quashie are a really strong combination, and they will be joined this year by new Aussie Chelsea Blackman.

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