Q&A: Charlie McCormack (Giants Academy)

GIANTS Academy tall Charlie McCormack made waves during last year’s Under 18 National Championships with his high marking and goal conversion rate. Now, the spring-heeled forward is back as an over-ager looking to have another crack at being drafted.

McCormack hails from Ariah Park – about a three-hour drive from Canberra and five hours to Sydney – and is set to link back up with local club Northern Jets this year. Having made his VFL debut in 2023 and turned out for the Murray Bushrangers, he will have plenty to offer.

We chatted to the 18-year-old prospect during preseason testing.

>> Preseason Testing Top 5s: Giants & Swans Academies

GIANTS Academy-logoGIANTS AcademyKey Forward

Charlie McCormack

Height: 197cm

Weight: -

DOB: 02-04-2005

Q: Charlie, can you give us a rundown into your season last year and what you achieved?

A: Last year I didn’t really expect too much. I got picked into the Allies which was a pretty big step for me. And just continued playing good footy, seeing what happened from there. It didn’t work out (being drafted), but it was a good year.

Q: You had a pretty high disposal-to-goal ratio at the Champs, what was that like for you kicking a fair few goals there?

A: It was good to see that what I was doing and training for was working out for me. It was exciting to see that the work paid off.

Q: Did the recognition of Allies selection help with that too?

A: Yeah, once I got picked in the Allies it sort of relaxed me a bit. It helped me be able to play some good footy, so I wasn’t going in there stressed or anything.

Q: You’ve obviously had a fair bit of travel too, how far has footy taken you?

A: I was travelling a fair bit, like 300-400km a week. You do it because you have to but by the end of the year you do get tired of it.

Q: What was the decision process behind coming back as an over-ager?

A: It was just about staying around home a bit, trying to cut travel out as much as I can. Also just enjoy my footy as much as I can playing back home as well. I’ll keep chipping away at it and see what happens.

Q: What have you been working on over the break?

A: Just getting fitter and stronger, trying to get little bit of strength into me and stay in good form, I suppose.

Q: Do you anticipate playing forward again this year?

A: Yeah, hopefully. I’ll play up there and might move around a bit. We’ll see what happens, see what the coaches reckon.

Q: Who’s had the most individual influence on your career?

A: Probably my parents. My mum is very passionate and she drives me to do everything every day, it’s good.

Q: What goals have you set for yourself this year?

A: Just to play as high a level as I can and hopefully by the end of the year or even mid-season to get picked up and yeah, just do as best I can.

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