2025 AFL National Championships schedule released

THE MOST talented male and female footballers from across the nation will compete in this year’s national championships that stretch across the months of April to August in fixtures that were released today. Both the Under 18s and Under 16s competitions for the boys and girls officially dropped today, with the major change being an additional opponent for the Under 18 Girls National Championships.

Previously at AFLW Under 18s level, each of the six teams faced just three other opponents, but that has now being increased to four in line with the boys scheduling. Though the girls championships does have a sixth team – due to Queensland being its own state side rather than joined with the Allies – it means each side will play all bar one of the other opponents.

Those championships kick off on Saturday, June 22 and run until Sunday, August 10, with the boys’ Under 18 Championships running from Sunday, June 1 through until Sunday, July 20. At Under 16s level, the boys are split into two pools and run from Monday, June 9 until Friday, July 18 with the final two rounds of the three-round fixture set for the Gold Coast as has become an annual tradition.

As was the case this year, the Under 16 Girls Development Championships will begin in a few weeks on April 6 going for 12 days up until Thursday, April 17 with each of the 10 teams to face two other opponents across the two pools. In 2025, it will include three double-headers as well.

The full fixtures for the Under 18s and Under 16s boys and girls national championships are below.

2025 Marsh AFL National Development Championships – U16 Girls
Pool A Teams: Brisbane Lions Academy, Gold Coast Suns Academy, South Australia, Victoria Country, Victoria Metro and Western Australia
Pool B Teams: GWS Giants Academy, Northern Territory, Sydney Swans Academy and Tasmania

Sun, April 6Western Australia v South AustraliaRevo Fitness Stadium11:30am
Wed, April 9Brisbane Lions v Victoria CountryAutomall Aspley Oval10:30am
Wed, April 9Gold Coast Suns v Victoria MetroAutomall Aspley Oval1:00pm
Sun, April 13Gold Coast Suns v Western AustraliaPeople First Stadium12:00pm
Mon, April 14Sydney Swans v TasmaniaBlacktown ISP12:00pm
Mon, April 14GWS Giants v Northern TerritoryBlacktown ISP2:00pm
Tue, April 15South Australia v Brisbane LionsThomas Farms Oval10:30am
Wed, April 16Victoria Metro v Victoria CountryShepley Oval10:00am
Thu, April 17GWS Giants v TasmaniaBlacktown ISP10:00am
Thu, April 17Sydney Swans v Northern TerritoryBlacktown ISP12:00pm

2025 Marsh AFL National Development Championships – U16 Boys
Pool A Teams: South Australia, Victoria Country, Victoria Metro and Western Australia
Pool B Teams: Brisbane Lions Academy, Gold Coast Suns Academy, GWS Giants Academy, Northern Territory, Sydney Swans Academy and Tasmania

Mon, June 9Tasmania v Northern TerritoryAvalon Airport Oval11:00am
Mon, June 9Victoria Country v Victoria MetroAvalon Airport Oval1:30pm
Sat, June 21Western Australia v South AustraliaProvident Financial Oval10:00am
Sat, June 28GWS Giants v Sydney SwansManuka Oval2:30pm
Sun, July 6Brisbane Lions v Gold Coast SunsBrighton Homes Arena11:00am
Mon, July 14Gold Coast Suns v TasmaniaPeople First Stadium10:00am
Mon, July 14GWS Giants v Northern TerritoryPeople First Stadium12:25pm
Mon, July 14Brisbane Lions v Sydney SwansPeople First Stadium2:50pm
Tue, July 15Victoria Country v South AustraliaPeople First Stadium10:00am
Tue, July 15Victoria Metro v Western AustraliaPeople First Stadium12:30pm
Thu, July 17GWS Giants v TasmaniaFankhauser Reserve9:30am
Thu, July 17Gold Coast Suns v Sydney SwansFankhauser Reserve11:45am
Thu, July 17Northern Territory v Brisbane LionsFankhauser Reserve2:00pm
Fri, July 18South Australia v Victoria MetroFankhauser Reserve9:30am
Fri, July 18Western Australia v Victoria CountryFankhauser Reserve11:45am

2025 Marsh AFL National Championships – U18 Girls
Teams: Allies (comprising ACT, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Tasmania), Queensland, South Australia, Victoria Country, Victoria Metro and Western Australia.

Sun, June 22Victoria Country v AlliesVIC9:45am
Sun, June 22Western Australia v QueenslandVIC11:45am
Sun, June 22Victoria Metro v South AustraliaVIC1:45pm
Sat, June 28Queensland v Victoria CountryQLD10:30am
Sun, June 29Western Australia v South AustraliaWA11:00am
Sun, July 6Western Australia v Victoria MetroWA9:30am
Sun, July 13Allies v Victoria MetroQLD1:15pm
Sat, July 19Allies v Western AustraliaNSW12:00pm
Sun, July 20Victoria Country v Victoria MetroVIC1:15pm
Sun, July 27Queensland v AlliesQLD11:00am
Sun, August 3South Australia v QueenslandSA11:00am
Sun, August 10South Australia v Victoria CountrySA10:45am

2025 Marsh AFL National Championships – U18 Boys
Teams: Allies (comprising ACT, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Tasmania), South Australia, Victoria Country, Victoria Metro and Western Australia.

Sun, June 1Allies v South AustraliaNSW12:00pm
Sat, June 7Western Australia v Victoria CountryWA10:00am
Sun, June 8South Australia v Victoria MetroSA10:05am
Sun, June 15South Australia v Western AustraliaSA12:00pm
Sun, June 29Allies v Western AustraliaVIC10:35am
Sun, June 29Victoria Country v South AustraliaVIC1:05pm
Sat, July 5Allies v Victoria CountryVIC11:00am
Sun, July 6Western Australia v Victoria MetroWA12:00pm
Sun, July 13Allies v Victoria MetroQLD10:35am
Sun, July 20Victoria Country v Victoria MetroVIC10:35am

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