Prowse set for a positional change in 2021

ZOE Prowse is one of South Australia’s leading Under 18 Women’s football prospects. The promising Sturt youngster will be eligible for the AFL Women’s Draft at the end of the 2021 season, and she has generated plenty of buzz in women’s football circles in a short space of time.

While Prowse did gain some football exposure as a junior, she did not begin playing competitively until 2017.

“I started by doing Auskick with my brother, but then I stopped for ages,” she said. “It wasn’t until I went to school in Year 8 and there was a girl’s knockout team for me to join. I played and developed my game from there.”

The Mercedes College student said the school has been fantastic for her football development, and she identified two key people that have helped her progress.

“Mercedes have been really good to me, two of my teachers Mr. Caire and Mr. Hill played SANFL League at Westies, so they basically got my footy career started,” Prowse said.

After taking a cheeky dig at her brother Spencer, Prowse said all members of her family have been helpful throughout her football journey.

“My family has been very supportive, she said. “My sister Arabella has come out to every game, so she’s really encouraged it, as well as mum and dad. They all get around it.”

When asked how she thought she went at the South Australian Preseason Testing Day on Sunday, Prowse was her typically modest self.

“I think I did alright, I probably could have done better in some tests, but I think I did okay,” Prowse said. “My jumps are my strength on a day like this, especially my running jumps.”

On the footy field, Prowse is known for her incredible rucking ability and follow-up work, a “fourth-midfielder” style of role that she enjoys. However, she will be looking to develop a new side to her game this season.

“I think I’m not playing in the ruck this year, I’m actually playing as a midfielder, so that will mean a lot more running around,” she said. “Sturt have two new ruckmen this year, so I think we’ll try and get them to take that role so that I can move around, try new positions and continue to develop my game.”

Prowse believes this change will provide a unique opportunity for her to enhance her aerobic base.

“I’m looking to improve my fitness this season, just being able to consistently run out a full game,” she said.

Overall, Prowse has one objective in mind for 2021, and locals will be ecstatic about where she wants to end up.

“My goal for the year is to get drafted, I want to be drafted by the Crows,” Prowse said.


Picture credit: Daniel Kalisz/Getty Images


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