AFLW Draft Q&A: Ava Usher

TOUTED as the number one prospect in the 2025 AFLW Draft, Queensland’s Ava Usher has had to watch on the past 12 months as she overcame an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear that put a line through her bottom-age season. Now back in action and closing in on a return to the game that she loves, the multi-sport athlete is ready to pick up where she left off.

We spoke to Usher at the recent Queensland Preseason Testing event where she spoke about her footballing journey, the challenges with juggling multiple sports, when she returns from her knee injury, and how she deals with the pressure of being considered the number one player in her draft crop.

Q: Ava, tell us a bit about your footy journey?

AU: “I started playing footy at school. Matt Lappin, who is a teammate of mine’s (Sunny) dad actually got me into footy at school, so I started playing through there. Didn’t play my first local state level footy game until I was about 11 or 12, so I’ve only been playing footy for five years. Started there and just went on from there, school sports, school girls and things like that.”

Q: You’ve done a fair few other sports such as surf lifesaving, how have you gone juggling those commitments with your football?

AU: “Doing surf lifesaving and I was a basketballer as well from a very young age. Those were my teen years and then obviously when I got really good at footy and being really competitive I just knew I wanted to play footy. Having to let go of the other things is really difficult, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, you know? I still do a bit of surf lifesaving in the background and a couple of basketball offers have come shooting back at me. It gets a lot, but if you really want to do something, you’ve got to go for it, but I’m really keen for footy.”

Q: Last year you unfortunately did your knee, give us a run down as to how it happened and the recovery process since?

AU: “March 7, 2024. I got two practice matches in before the season started and then the training the week before our first game, did my knee seven minutes left of training. It was a bit rough, you go through these patches, but I’m 10 and a half months down now so I’ve just been flying through working my absolute bum off, super keen to just get back to playing footy because it’s what I love doing. I’ve been working in secret but it’s been really hard sometimes, but we all get through it.”

Q: When is your planned return date?

AU: “We’ve got an National Academy match on the 21st of April so looking to be back for that game which is quite a good date to be hitting. Exciting game to be back for, so super keen for that. On the last stretch of my rehab journey so firing through.”

Q: Speaking of the National Academy, how has that been?

AU: “It’s been incredible. Obviously didn’t go to the Futures game because I was still rehabbing by myself, but in the first camp, the stuff you learn is absolutely insane. You don’t get that stuff at your other clubs, but when you go there, everything’s done with intent. Everyone’s there for the same purpose, everyone puts in so much effort. Like Liv Crane from WA said, it was so good to have a rehab partner and do things like that, because you don’t often have one to do stuff with, so having someone to do stuff with was pretty cool.”

Q: Speaking to others from the Academy, you seem to be a very popular person, who do you see as some of your best friends?

AU: “I love Liv Wolmarans, she’s a character, I absolutely love her very much. Most of the Vic girls I love all of them, WA, a couple of Tassie girls. I’m just all-round love being friends with everyone, getting to know everyone. I’m a people person, I love getting around.”

Q: On your own game, what do you see as some of your strengths?

AU: “Definitely my speed, 100 per cent. I’ve been working on that through my rehab as well, trying to get through to that full thing and I’ve gotten there. My strength and power, and you can’t teach competitiveness and that’s one thing I’ve got that is just hard to teach. You can’t teach heart and I feel like I’ve got that.”

Q: How about any improvements you’re looking to make?

AU: “Kicking at speed. Just when you’re at 100 per cent, having to compose yourself with the drop, the action, the movement, just making sure you do it all right.”

Q: Who’s had the most individual influence on your career do you think?

AU: “Probably my parents. Obviously they do everything for me. I do love all my support staff as well, especially when you do go through an injury and you have rehab, you’re with them literally every single day of the week. So my people at Suns, AFL Academy, Queensland, all my people, they know who they are. I couldn’t be any more grateful for all those people.”

Q: Who’s a player you look up to at the top level?

AU: Charlie Rowbottom, love her. We’re good mates through training sometimes. I just love her and look up to her, can’t wait to be training with her one day hopefully and pitting myself against her, like I said in the competitive environment.”

Q: I presume you’re a Suns fan? Or who have you grown up supporting?

AU: “I’m Geelong actually. Georgie Rankin was my basketball coach when I was quite young, so when she got picked up to Geelong I started playing footy the same year and I kind of just barracked for them and then went through the men’s program the exact same way. Now my brother-in-law plays for Suns, but I’m a Geelong fan at heart.”

Q: What goals do you set for yourself this year?

AU: “Get fit and healthy first. Obviously very fit and healthy at the moment, but getting back to playing football and just want to play some great, consistent football and show my leadership through all the different teams I’ll play for throughout the year and at the end of the day, the end goal is to get drafted. Obviously quite high like I’m looking for, and I just can’t wait to be playing footy.”

Q: How do you deal with the expectations of being touted as the best player in the draft?

AU: “I like to think I do good under pressure. In big games I think I like to thrive under pressure, but obviously it’s a lot of talk and a lot of expectations to live up to. I’m definitely on my way up and I definitely feel like I can live up to those expectations and I’m willing to put in all the work to live up to those expectations and obviously as myself I want to achieve those expectations. I’ll do anything I can to achieve that and it’s really exciting. It gives you a nice feeling that people see that all your hard work does pay off, so it feels pretty good.”

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